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- «c1»By Zerox/Gods«»
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- «as»«c7»There is not any community, big or small, that can survive without any new
- «c6»recruittation. «c7»Therefore also the scene need new sceners to survive in the
- longrun. The latest years the scene have decreased alot, and if we do not
- manage to stop this and attract some new people, the scene will eventually
- become incredible small and fade away. With that in mind, I asked some
- sceners what we should do to «c6»keep those sceners already here and to attract
- some new ones «c7»into our small community.«»
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- «c7»What should we do to get more people attracted to the amiga scene, and to keep those already here?
- I dont think its possible to attract new 'normal' people to the amiga scene. Some
- people from other scenes might have a go at doing amiga stuff ,and they are often
- involved in music or graphics on amiga these days. The divx videos of amiga
- demos have attracted some interest from people who simply like to watch demos,
- but I dont think that these few will start learning the amiga in order to release
- anything. Generally its more natural to look forward and develop yourself on the
- pc rather than to go backwards in time to the amiga platform. New people start
- out on the pc, and may not have such a relationship to the amiga :)«»
- «»
- How to keep the people already in the amiga scene in the scene. Then we have to
- continue making stuff worth being here for. Great demos, music and graphics
- mainly. And keep the community informed through the net, swappers channels and
- diskmags. A scener left alone with nobody watching his stuff except for a few
- uninterested network geeks or people who compare your stuff to the latest 3d
- movies from hollywood, will not stay a scener for long. Everybody need some
- attention, approval, fame and feedback on their creative skills in order to keep
- going. Thats our type of money. Another release that goes unnoticed equals to
- another scener losing interest. If atleast somebody would say that it was crap.
- Even that is more encouraging than nothing at all.«»
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- «c6»Loaderror/Ephidrena«»
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- «c7»People should be more openminded! People should help new potential sceners
- when they have the change! IRC talk with people which join Amiga related
- channels! And not offend them, as some people do!«»
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- «c6»Adonis of IRIS«»
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- «c7»I thought for long that the demographic of Amigascene
- was getting older all the time, all new groups that
- started were newformed by old members. The truth is,
- that the Amigascene has an instream for outcomming
- people.
- Actually you cant convince people to stay if you dont
- enjoy it yourself.«»
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- and remember:
- Its better to be inactive, than get out of amigascene!«»
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- «c6»Browalia/Nukleus«»
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- «c7»Make people buy Amigas???«»
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- «c6»Curt Cool/Depth«»
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- «c7»I think it can be difficult, because people get older, and find the things in life.
- To attract new people....well, people have to have the basic interest in coding, music
- or graphics.«»
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- «c6»Bandy/ex.IRIS (very inactive right now....)«»
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- «c7»Getting new people to join the Amigascene is hard since few people in
- general uses Amiga. There is of course some people using Amiga that is
- not sceners so maybe some of them will be interested in the demoscene
- one day and join. But it's doubtfull they'll be many. Anyway, new
- people from other platforms also have to be converted from gamers to
- sceners first. At least in Norway, sceners are not the usual kind of
- people to find. But there are signs of a 3rd generation of pc-sceners
- slowly growing. We must welcome them and help them into the scene.
- When they have become more experienced, then maybe they'll be ready for
- scening on an alternative computer like Amiga.«»
- «»
- The posibility for the Amigascene to grow is very small. Sad but true.
- Amiga had to become a new bestselling computer again for that to happen,
- so that many people would own one. Now, PC is the bestselling computer
- that outclasses Amiga in both hardware and price. No one would buy old
- hardware for a higher price than the newest multigigahertz PC with all
- the stuff you could dream of. Just think of the price and performance
- of a 060 compared to the latest cpu from AMD/Intel.«»
- «»
- When a new potential scener would discover the scene it would most
- likely be on a PC.
- It would actually be easier for him/her to start on the PC scene to
- since finding resources, likeminded people, groups to join and so on,
- wouldn't be so hard. In the Amigascene, especially new coders are hard
- to find. On the PC that is not such a big problem. There is more
- people and one can use languages like C++ and Java to write demos.
- Learning assembler is hard and learning the hardware is even worse.
- Documentation of Amigahw is not easy to get hold of these days. Also
- writing a demo in asm takes much more time and fiddling with bugs than
- in C++ or Java. If you connect the real world into this it would be a
- waste of time to learn 68k-assembler. You can get a very well payed job
- as a C++/Java programmer (and you would be one helluva coder after some
- years in the scene to) but very few needs someone who knows 68k asm.«»
- «»
- How do we keep the existing Amigasceners then? This is also hard since
- most Amigasceners are getting old. The time and interest left for
- scening is decreasing with the same speed one is growing older. Some
- marry and get families. Maybe the final studies at schools/universities
- takes too much of your time. Some people with scenebackground even
- code/do gfx/(and maybe even music) for a living and going home from work
- to do even more does not tempt many. With little or no recruiting to
- the Amigascene it will eventually die. Sad but true. But while it's
- still alive we should do the best out of it and make some real kickass
- productions. That at least gives inspiration for the existing
- Amigascene to do more and maybe even inspire the PC scene.«»
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- «c6»Dran/Contraz^Gods«»
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- «c7»Amiga cannot keep the pace with PC hardware, so stop upgrading. Lets take
- focus on a standard setup that most Amiga sceners can come up with and
- produce demos only for this configuration. By this active Amiga sceners
- don't have to upgrade anymore but still can enjoy their scene, and
- on the other hand it may attract new people, since it may be interesting
- to come up with art instead of all being about hardware.«»
- «»
- «c6»Fishwave/DCS^Scoopex«»
- «c7»Maybe we should use our abilities to make scene more active, do more
- original production, think up some new projects. All we need is to stop
- being lazy, nothing more.«»
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- «c6»Lahve/Reason^Scoopex«»
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- «c7»I was about 2 years on PC scene. AMiGA scene fascinated me with
- climate and not dying friendship. Scene-man it is necessary to be born, and
- I think that we don't get army of attracted people :)«»
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- «c6»Podo/Mawi & Whelpz«»
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- «c7»I have no idea ... To be honest, I don't think we can do more than we're already
- doing. Perhaps more people should start attending parties? And perhaps party
- organizers could pay a little more attention to their visitors. Assembly and The
- Gathering for example, are disasters compared to Mekka Symposium.«»
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- «c6»Kada/Gods«»
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- «c7»I really don't have any solution to get more people attracted in the
- amiga scene, but you can be sure that a lot of people will stay in
- the scene if everybody still tries to be better than the rest. this
- brings a challenge: trying to be better next time. additionally it
- brings fresh wind into the scene, new effects, new ideas. and this
- will keep the people stun about releases, and this is what will
- chivvy us along! at least i hope all this.. ;)«»
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- «c6»Scicco/Scarab«»
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- «c7»In order to attract more people into the Amiga scene it has to be something
- they want to participate in. We must consider what it was that drew our
- interest in the first place, and then figure a way of re-establishing that
- same attraction for others. Unfortunately, I feel that this is no longer
- possible. What can the scene of today offer to the average computer user?
- Friendships can be established over the Internet regardless of whether
- you're a scener or not. The skills one can learn from the scene can now be
- learnt in college and can ultimately lead into a paid profession. Freedom of
- speech and creativity can be achieved via web pages and newsgroups.«»
- «»
- As for the second part of the question I feel there is no solution. I do
- not know why so many people continue to use the Amiga when the PC offers a
- bigger, more productive scene visually superior and generally higher
- quality productions, and, of course, a wider audience to appreciate one's
- hard efforts. Those who already own a PC not only have the benefits of a
- thriving commercial market and a thriving scene, but they have the option to
- emulate a high spec Amiga at no additional cost. Speaking
- as a newly converted PC owner, I can see no possible way of winning these
- people back.«»
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- «c6»Wade/Haujobb«»
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- «c7»To get people attracted.. That is almost totally out of our hands.. Once every
- 3rd or so years I manage to get a person interested in the scene, but it's
- hard.. It's up to those owing the Amiga to get it known again, with e.g. the
- AmigaOne, so that more people will come, the userbase will expand, and then we
- can start advertizing ourselves more again.. if we like the new computer
- anyway. As for what we should do to keep those already there.. Build more
- community spirit. Feel like we belong to a greater, cooler whole, be able to
- meet and chat with other sceners, share our views and hobby. Groups are ideal
- places for this. Meetings, parties, IRC, letters, sharing knowledge, teaching
- eachother, etc.. Make the scene an interesting place :)«»
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- «c6»By Darkhawk/IRIS«»
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- «c7»Maybe we should just promote the amiga a lot more... most amiga users are
- members of the PC scene, maybe we should all keeping asking the the PC
- scum that amiga is a true machine and deserves a chance.... Or when there is
- contests, keep it amiga only...«»
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- «c6»Powerslave/Gods^Void«»
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- «c7»Important is to make the Scene more public for the Amiga owners worldwide.
- Many people only know about the cracking scene and comdemn it, they even
- have never heard about the demoscene that we know. More demoscene related
- articles in papermags or banners on big homepages would help.«»
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- «c6»Ghandy/Darkage«»
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